Galw 'rwyf arnat am dy fod

(SALM 17 - Gweddi am gymhorth yn erbyn gelynion)
[1] Galw 'rwyf arnat am dy fod
  Yn Dduw parod i wrando:
Gostwng dy glust a chlyw yn rhodd
  Fy holl ymadrodd etto.

[7] Cyfrana dy ddaionus rad,
  Ti, 'r hwn wyt geidwad ffyddlon,
I'r rhai sy'n ymroi dan dy law,
  Rhag broch a braw y trawsion.

[8] Cadw fi'n anwyl rhag eu twyll,
  Fel anwyl ganwyll llygad;
Yn nghysgod dy adenydd di
  O cadw fi yn wastad.

[15] Minnau mewn myfyr fel mewn hûn,
  A welaf lun d'wynebpryd:
A phan ddihunwyf o'r hûn hon,
  Y byddaf ddigon hyfryd.
Cadw fi'n anwyl rhag eu twyll :: Ior, cadw fi rhag brad a thwyll
O cadw :: O cuddia
Minnau :: myfi

- - - - -

Galw 'rwyf arnat am dy fod
  Yn Dduw parod i wrando;
Gostwng dy glust, a chlyw yn rhodd
  Fy holl ymadrodd eto.

Myfi a ddeuaf at dy borth,
  I ddisgwyl cymmhorth ddigon,
Sef dy drugaredd i lanhau
  Fy holl welïau budron.

Pe llithrwn ddim,
    rhag maint yw'r llid,
  Fe dd'wedid fy ngorchfygu:
A llawen fyddai fy holl gas;
  Dal fi o'th ras i fynu.

Trugaredd, f'Arglwydd, heb ddim mwy,
  Yw'r cwbl 'rwy'n ei geisio;
Trugaredd yw fy newis lwydd,
  Trugaredd, f'Arglwydd, dyro.

Dod fesur mawr o'th
    ras yn rhwydd,
  O Arglwydd Dduw goruchaf;
Dyddanwch i ni felly bydd,
  Yn y brawd-ddydd diweddaf.
Edmund Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Arenig (Breigel 1687-?)
Clynog (<1835)
Dymuniad (R H Williams [Corfanydd] 1805-76)

  Na thro dy ŵyneb Arglwydd glân
  Pa hyd fy Arglwydd Dduw dilyth?
Rhaid imi gael pob gras pob dawn
  Trugaredd f'Arglwydd heb ddim mwy
  Tyrd Ysbryd Glân tragwyddol Dduw

(PSALM 17 - A prayer for help against enemies)
[1] Calling I am upon thee for thou art
  A God who is ready to listen:
Incline thy ear and hear benificently
  My whole utterance again.

[7] Share thy good favour,
  Thou, who art a faithful keeper,
To those who linger under thy hand,
  Against the rage and terror of the oppressive.

[8] Keep me dearly from their trickery,
  Like the dear candle of an eye;
In the shelter of thy wings
  O keep me continuously.

[15] As for me, in contemplation as in sleep,
  I will see the picture of thy countenance:
And when I awake from this sleep,
  I will delighted enough.
Keep me dearly from their trickery :: Lord, keep me dearly from treachery and trickery
Oh, keep :: Oh, hide

- - - - -

Calling I am upon thee to be
  A God ready to listen;
Incline thine ear, and hear as a gift
  All my report yet.

'Tis I who come to thy gate,
  To expect sufficient help,
That is, thy mercy to cleanse
  All my filthy ulcers.

If I should slip at all,
    how strong is the wrath,
  It would be said I was overcome:
And cheerful would be all my foe; -
  Hold me up by thy grace.

Mercy, my Lord, with nothing more,
  Is all I am seeking;
Mercy is my successful choice,
  Mercy, my Lord, give.

May a large measure of
    thy grace come freely,
  O Lord God most high;
A comfort to us thus it will be,
  On the last judgment-day.
tr. 2009,19 Richard B Gillion
 1 To just plea and sad complaint,
     attend, O righteous Lord,
   And to my pray'r, as 'tis unfeigned,
     a gracious ear afford.

 7 The wonders of thy truth and love
     in my defence engage;
   Thou, whose right hand preserves thy saints 
     from their oppressors' rage.

 8 O! keep me in thy tend'rest care;
     thy shelt'ring wings stretch out,
 9 To guard me safe from savage foes,
     that compass me about.

15 But I, in uprightness, thy face
     shall view without control;
   And, waking, shall its image find
     reflected in my soul.

- - - - -

 1 To just plea and sad complaint,
     attend, O righteous Lord,
   And to my pray'r, as 'tis unfeigned,
     a gracious ear afford.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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